Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

Your role as a special agent

Published: Tue, 01/02/24

What comes after the gospel... Your role as a special agent One way to look at your role in this world is as a special agent. As a special agent, you…

Merry Christmas from MfD

Published: Mon, 12/25/23

The incarnation shows God's care for the world and the significance of what we do in it. Merry Christmas from MfD!"And we have seen and testify that…

A little Christmas gift from MfD

Published: Thu, 12/21/23

Get your Made for Dominion Reading List People often ask me for book recommendations. I'm always happy to oblige, and I finally decided to pull…

#1 Reason people struggle making decisions

Published: Wed, 12/20/23

Your mission and vision is what drives decisions. “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him…” (1 Kgs. 18:21).

Never go negative again

Published: Mon, 12/18/23

Reframing your circumstances will change the trajectory of your life. Never go negative again Every fallen human heart has a tendency to go negative.

Keep fighting the good fight

Published: Fri, 12/15/23

The light of Christ cannot be overcome Keep fighting the good fight In His great work the City of God… St. Augustine describes the long conflict…

Going where God calls

Published: Thu, 12/14/23

The best way to fulfill His purpose for you Going where God calls One of the ways God works in our lives is that He calls us to do certain things. And…

Hope for the demoralized

Published: Wed, 12/13/23

It's your identity that keeps you going... Hope for the demoralized There’s a lot in life that can demoralize a man. Personal failures… Hard knocks… E…

Theology and real life

Published: Tue, 12/12/23

The best theology isn’t confined to head and heart Theology and real life The best theology isn’t confined to head and heart — it works itself out in…

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