People often ask me for book recommendations. I'm always happy to oblige, and I finally decided to pull together a 'Made for Dominion Reading List.' I've selected these books with the goal of helping men who have a heart to excel at serving the Lord in their various callings and domains. This list is not exhaustive. There are many other books I could have added. But I had to restrain myself. And I believe this list provides an excellent starting point for any man who is hungry to grow in grace and effectiveness in God's kingdom. I've organized the list by the following categories: - Theology
- Christian Life
- Dominion
- Manhood
- Leadership
- Culture
- Economics
- Productivity
- Legacy
I’ve benefited a lot
from the books below. Many of the insights I've gained have been life-changing. And I have no doubt they can have a transforming influence on your life too! So let's go...
Everyone has a theology, because everyone has views about God, sin and salvation. But not many have thought through their theology or core beliefs. The books in this section provide what you need to develop a solid, biblical theology. Studying and applying what you can from them will help build up your foundation for life here and on into
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith by R.C. SproulThere are certain fundamentals of the faith every believer should know. Without them, our foundation is weak.
But where do you find these truths in one place? R. C. Sproul brings them together, making this a great resource for not just new
believers, but anyone who wants a handy reference of essential Christian doctrine. Sproul is a masterful communicator. And each of the 102 topics he covers concludes with a summary of main points.
Knowing God by J.I PackerThere is no way to live out God’s design for your life without knowing God. And J.I. Packer leads us in the knowledge of God through this classic work. The book is divided into three sections: (1) how and why we
know God, (2) the attributes or nature of God and (3) the benefits enjoyed by those who know Him. No one can fully know God in this life, but with Packer’s guidance we can grow and walk with Him more closely in the purpose He has for us.
The Holiness of God by R.C. SproulIn a day when God has become trivial and the fear of Him is absent, this book brings just the message our generation needs. That’s because Sproul’s teaching brings us face-to-face with the truth that the
holiness of God is more than an attribute of His character. It's -- as Pastor John MacArthur states -- at the core of all He is and does. Once we realize this, we see God not only as the ultimate moral being, but "other" and "transcendent." And the only fitting response is to live every moment before Him in reverence and awe.
Back to Basics Edited by David HagopianChristians are fond of saying ‘God has a plan.’ And the fact He does brings great hope. But what does His plan entail? Back to Basics gives the big picture by pointing us to the doctrines of the Reformed Faith, also known as
‘Biblical Christianity.’ The book's comprehensive approach to God’s plan not only instructs but inspires. And a recovery of its principles is what today's Christians, the church, and society need to prepare the way for renewal.
Covenants Made Simple by Jonty RhodesMost Christians have a sense that the concept of covenant is a critical part of our relationship with God. And that’s a fitting place to begin. But how many believers understand the implications and applications of covenants today? It seems
such a complex subject! It’s at this point Jonty Rhodes’ book is a big help, as it delivers on its promise to simplify covenants. So if you want to understand the role of covenants in the Bible... and your life today... this book is for you.
Creational Worldview by P. Andrew SandlinTo fully understand and communicate the Christian message, we must not bypass the Bible’s teaching about creation. Otherwise we’ll miss the full scope of God’s plan for the cosmos – including humanity and its
redemption. This is the big idea of Andrew Sandlin’s short but powerful book, Creational Worldview. We live in a day when basic creational categories... such as the creator-creature distinction, the image of God in man, the distinction between male and female, and the goodness of creation... are under attack. The
battles over these categories makes this work essential reading.
Heaven Misplaced by Douglas WilsonMany Christians believe the future on this side of eternity will be a grim one. This diminishes hope and discourages us from taking useful action to build a better world. But are things really predestined to get worse and worse? That’s the question Douglas
Wilson addresses in his helpful, easy-to-read book, Heaven Misplaced.
The more optimistic view of the end times presented here will have you praying “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” in a whole new way. It will also encourage you to take the impact of your life on the world more seriously.
Children of the Promise by Robert R. BoothThis book does much more than make the case for infant baptism. It reflects a Baptist pastor’s journey of discovery as he studies the topic and shares those discoveries with the reader. These discoveries include insights about: how to
approach the Bible, God’s covenants of promise, and the role of households in redemption. You can hardly find a better guide to explore the topic of baptism than Randy Booth, as He faithfully ties complex issues together with the wisdom and grace of a seasoned pastor.
Unconditional Surrender by Gary NorthReading theology can be a tough slog. And this can keep ordinary people from getting into it. But Unconditional Surrender is different. It covers both Bible doctrine and real word issues in an engaging, highly-readable
style. This is probably the best practical theology book available. And it compels the reader to come to terms with Christ’s call to unconditional surrender. Your eyes will not glaze over reading this theology book. It will make you wiser in applying theological truths to the world, too.
CHRISTIAN LIFEThere is a difference between identifying as a Christian and living as a true and faithful believer. To identify as a Christian can be as minimal as calling yourself one. But to really live as a Christian involves a lifelong process of growing in grace as you trust and obey God. The books in this category are all about helping you grow and mature as a believer -- decision by decision, day by day, year by year.
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry BridgesThis short book is a classic when it comes to the biblical doctrine of “progressive sanctification.” Every believer ought to read it on their own journey of conformity to Christ’s likeness. And the earlier you read it on the journey the
better! In this book, Jerry Bridges covers such topics as: “Holiness is for You”... “Help in the Daily Battle”… and “The Joy of Holiness.” Alongside the Bible, The Pursuit of Holiness will equip you and change the trajectory of your life.
The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas WillardEnjoying the fruit of the Christian life is not automatic. It requires certain practices or disciplines. In this book, Dallas Willard explains these disciplines with a biblical and historical context that leads to transformed
lives. I have a number of books on the topic of spiritual disciplines. The Spirit of the Disciplines is the one I turn to most.
A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul MillerGod created us to live our lives with Him through prayer. But what does this look like? How is it done? Paul Miller shows us in A Praying Life. This is more than a book about prayer. It’s a guide for making
conversational prayer a normal part of your existence. Miller’s work is especially encouraging if you feel frustrated or guilty about your prayer life, because it reveals ‘doing life by prayer’ really is something you can experience.
J-Curve: Dying & Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life by Paul MillerHow you handle trials and suffering plays a big part in not only the quality of your life, but your growth and effectiveness as a believer. But most of us have never been equipped to handle adversity
constructively. This book changes that by showing how living in union with Christ is to share in His dying and rising. As we embrace this reality in our own sufferings, it takes us from those who despair to those who live with expectancy -- no matter what adversity we're facing -- as we look to God as one who brings resurrections.
How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth by Fee and StuartJesus tells us "man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Mt. 4:4). These words of Jesus may increase our desire to read God’s Word, but what if we have trouble understanding
it? How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth addresses this problem. In simple language it shows how to understand different parts of the Bible and their implications for today. A great book for all who want to know how to approach the Bible so they know what it really means. NOTE: Other great resources for increasing your
Bible knowledge and understanding include: the ESV Global Study Bible and the New Geneva Study Bible.
The Mortification of Sin by John Owen (Aaron Renn edition)This Puritan classic is a book many start but never finish. That’s because the old English style by John Owen can be hard to read. But Aaron Renn has provided a wonderful remedy with
this updated edition. Every Christian has to battle sin. And we're called to put it to death. This book unpacks the Bible’s instruction on how to accomplish this. Sin desires to get dominion over you. But you must get dominion over it. Which makes this book one to read, take seriously and apply.
The Burden of Freedom by Myles Munroe From Moses to Jesus, the Bible gives us a record of God delivering His people. This message has brought hope to the masses for centuries. But receiving deliverance is not the same as living in freedom. As Myles Munroe explains… to walk in freedom “we must accept our responsibility to move forward and allow the reconditioning of our oppressive thinking.” Munroe’s history of growing up in poverty, becoming a pastor, and serving as a counselor to heads of state, makes this book full of valuable insights for those seeking to walk in freedom from any kind of oppression.
Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. RyleDon’t let the title of this classic mislead you. Though intended for young men, this book provides an important spiritual challenge to all men willing to read it. Divided into four sections, Bishop Ryle gives exhortations, reveals dangers, dispenses counsel
and provides special resolutions for any man who wants to be all he can be for God. In a day when the souls of men are underchallenged, Thoughts for Young Men is a call to step up and take one's faith to a whole new level.
With by Skye JethaniThis book has one simple yet profound message: we have been created to live life with God. To make this message clear, Sky Jethani distinguishes doing life with God from doing it over, under, from or even for Him. According to Jethani, this is not just a matter of semantics. Living our days with God is at the heart of His design for us. It's also how we experience the life-giving power of the gospel. Reading With has a restoring effect. And it gives the right perspective as to living out your life calling: do it with God.
Things I Have Learned by Bob Jones Sr.Few things are richer than getting plainspoken life lessons from a seasoned saint. And that’s what you get in Things I Have Learned. This book is a collection of chapel messages from the founder and first president of Bob Jones
University. These messages are full of practical insights from a man who accomplished much while keeping his faith strong in the real world. We all have times when we’d like to get wisdom from someone who has been in the trenches a long time. But too often there's no one to give us the kind of advice we're looking for. This book provides the next best thing.
Living Fearless by Jamie WinshipLiving without fear is a major theme of the Bible. Yet the majority of us still struggle with fears every day. So how do we follow the Bible’s admonition to “Fear not”? Jamie Winship is an ideal person to show us. Having lived and worked in
conflict zones across the world, he discovered fear comes from a false view of God, ourselves and others. And the remedy is to walk in the true identity believers have in Christ. Living Fearless lays a solid foundation for those who want to maximize their calling in life -- with courage. The book is filled with stories of Winship’s experiences facing fearful situations, making it a very interesting
DOMINIONFrom the beginning, God made it plain He created mankind to extend His dominion over the earth. We’ve lost this as the foundation of our purpose for living, and as a result even believers often feel like their lives are meaningless. The books in this section seek to uncover God’s original intent for humanity. May reading at
least some of them give you clarity and conviction about your own reason for living. What's posted here ignites hope and vision.
He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth GentryThe Bible teaches that “Christ shall have dominion from sea to sea” (Ps. 72:8). In our pessimistic times, it’s assumed this will occur only after Christ's return. But is this what the Bible
reveals? In He Shall Have Dominion, Ken Gentry presents the biblical rationale for a more optimistic view. He makes the case – from a thorough look at texts from Genesis to Revelation – that Christ will have dominion in time and history. This is a hefty resource. And when it comes to the Bible's teaching about the advance of God’s kingdom on earth, it's the
Dominion by Tom HollandThis book tells the story of how a crucified Christ thoroughly changed the world. And becoming familiar with the story will do much to strengthen your own faith. As Holland relates, our modern assumptions about issues like truth, justice, love, mercy and equality
cannot escape the influence of Jesus. He’s left His mark forever. Beyond describing Christ’s universal influence, Dominion also provides an excellent survey of the history of the world – covering the periods of Antiquity, Christendom and Modernity. If you want to better learn world history, you can hardly do better than learning it from the perspective of the Lord Jesus's
dominion over all.
The Book That Made Your World by Vishal MangalwadiThe Western world tends to take its advancements for granted. But our gains haven’t come about spontaneously. They've come through the influence of the Bible. Sometimes it takes an outsider to point such a thing out. Which is what the Indian philosopher Vishal Mangalwadi does in The Book
That Made Your World. This book has a lot of great insights about why the West has excelled in science, technology, education, human rights, etc. It also warns how secular corruption is putting these in danger. A fantastic book for understanding the biblical foundation of the blessings we enjoy as a people.
The Mission of God by Joseph BootThis is a powerful book in that it establishes the mission of God for the people of God in our current century. Where many books of this sort tend to be theoretical, this one gives the understanding and vision necessary to take concrete
action. In a day when the church has withdrawn from culture, The Mission of God isn’t just a call to re-engage. It’s a manual to guide us in getting involved in areas we've abandoned.
Mere Christendom by Douglas WilsonAnother important book for our time. Taking off from C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, Wilson invites us to consider what life – including government – under the Lordship of Christ might look like. Despite objections to the idea of Christendom, Wilson
shows how – rightly understood and applied – a restored Christendom would be a blessed successor to our currently collapsing secular liberal social order. This book accurately assesses where we are and points us in the way we should go, making it a great read for clearing up confusion and finding direction.
Thy Will Be Done: When All Nations Call God Blessed by Ronald KirkWe’re used to praying “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” But what if we believed and acted as though God intends this to happen? Ronald Kirk gives us a lot of ideas to this
end. Covering all areas of life, this book gets down to the details of applying one’s faith everywhere… including personal life, family, work and enterprise, the church, arts, sciences, education, philanthropy, recreation, civil government, defense and much more. This short work is packed with insights on biblical truths to ponder and apply.
Get Dominion by David BostromI’ve been interested in the Bible’s Dominion Mandate for many years, but it wasn’t until I was sorting out questions about my own identity and purpose that I worked out its practical implications. Ultimately, that process led to this book and the formation of
Made for Dominion Ministries. In my biased opinion, the strength of this book is that it provides the framework any person needs to understand his or her place in God’s world, as it lays out the biblical foundation of their identity and purpose... along with guidance to fulfill it. MANHOODBiblical manhood is under siege these days. And it’s taking a toll on families, churches
and communities. Yet we aren’t without hope. God is stirring in men’s hearts, giving signs of a new desire to recover biblical masculinity... and bring a godly influence to families, churches and communities. I commend the books below for men who want to build on that desire.
It's Good to Be a Man by Foster and TennantGod made men with traits suitable for pursuing a mission. But these traits – like assertiveness and independence – have been squelched, leaving many men without a sense of purpose. This potent book does a service by helping men who are
frustrated with our state of affairs recover the use of their masculine traits and employ them in a God-honoring way. Further, Foster and Tennant do a great job showing the goodness of the Lord’s design for the sexes, which inspires both male and female readers to embrace their God-given sexual identity.
Love Walked Among Us by Paul MillerMen today are hungry for models. And many are turning to secular gurus as a result. But the one we really need to look to to know how to live and love as a men is Jesus, the second Adam. In this important book, Paul Miller gives a closeup view of the humanity of Jesus. And in so doing, he shows love is not an abstraction,
but fleshed out in the real world by those walking in step with the Spirit. As Miller shows, the love of Jesus looks at the world with compassion, cares enough to speak the truth, and lives sacrificially in dependence on the Father... all of which are marks we need men to embody today.
The Covenant Household by Douglas WilsonThe Bible tells us we’re to live in light of God’s covenants. But how does this apply? Especially to life in families and households? The Covenant Household provides guidance we can use as it explains not only the personal nature of
covenants, but the responsibilities that go with them. At a time when families are in disarray, this book shows how to bring order to a household in a way that pleases God and blesses its members, as it reveals the Lord’s design for a family to function as a unit... and bring an impact for generations.
The Fatherhood Principle by Myles MunroeWhen modern culture portrays a father, it’s often as a doofus who doesn’t know up from down. As a result, fathers are commonly considered unnecessary, and many men are unclear about their role in today’s world. But according to our
Creator’s design, the world needs fathers for humans to flourish. And God Himself serves as the model. This book lays out this fatherhood principle in its varied applications, showing how all men have important contributions to make as progenitors, developers, protectors and more. A great book to help men get clear on the fatherly aspects of their
Men and Marriage by George GilderThis classic was recently republished. Its message is a timely one: society depends on men fulfilling their traditional (biblical) roles of provider and protector. At a time when fewer are getting married, and marriage itself is being redefined, Gilder illustrates the value of marriage to men, women and culture.
A major reason for this is that marriage serves to channel men’s energy and goals in constructive – rather than destructive – directions. This book is ideal for addressing the confused relationships between men and women in our day. And it's subtitle gives a helpful summary… Civilization is built by men with families to feed.
Masculine Christianity by Zachary GarrisThe title may lead you to think this book is promoting some macho version of the faith. But that would be incorrect. Rather, Masculine Christianity is a response to the influence of feminism on the Western Church, and supplies the biblical basis for recovering the authority of men in the home,
church and society. The topic may put some on the defensive, but Garris handles it winsomely, rationally, persuasively, and most of all, scripturally. A great work for reversing the trend toward effeminacy in the church.
It's Your Call by Gary BarkalowThe question of one’s calling can seem like a mystery, and something that's faced mainly by those considering professional ministry. But God has a unique place for everyone, and He calls us all to different areas of service. So discovering how to discern where God is calling you is vital! This
book does a superb job covering the issues related to the subject of calling. But even more, it helps all who read it appreciate the glory of their lives and take seriously the unique desires God may give them.
Mansfield's Book of Manly Men by Stephen MansfieldThis is an enjoyable book to read (or listen to). Full of action, it covers a range of character qualities by sharing anecdotes and personalities from history. Among the qualities addressed are: honor, friendship, humor, self-education, integrity, forgiveness, suffering, humility, vision and
This book serves to revive characteristics that were once common among men. And its overall message and presentation make for a good gift.
Face to Face by Steve WilkinsA majority of men tend to do life alone, without any close male companionship. And in their solitude, they suffer. But when men have friends – or a band of brothers – they’re in a position to thrive. In an age when loneliness is rampant, this is an ideal book for those seeking friendship and community. The book also
does a great job addressing the lost practice of hospitality. If you know you need to build some friendships, or want to strengthen the ones you already have, read this book.
LEADERSHIPGod created men to lead. Some are called to lead organizations, many are called to lead families, and all are called to lead themselves as they oversee the different domains of their lives. In response to this universal call, we must ask, “How can we become better leaders?” Leadership development is a process that involves growth in character, skills and service.
And the books below can help the process along.
The Training of the Twelve by A.B. BruceFor years this book has been the standard treatment of Christ’s calling and training of His apostles. It's not a quick read leading to instant discipleship. Rather, it’s full of useful insights regarding Christ’s interactions with His followers. Those who take the time to ponder and apply them will find
their own leadership capability improved. I don’t know of a resource that provides a more close-up picture of those who became the foundation of the early church. And reading it will further equip anyone seeking to carry on Christ’s mission and lead others today.
Men of Courage by Larry CrabbFaithful leadership requires courage. And this book takes a unique approach to help men demonstrate courage wherever it's called for. Starting with Adam in the Garden, Men of Courage shows how every man must break his tendency toward silence and move into the darkness, confusion and chaos of his world,
remembering God is with him. This is a good book for men who want to step up to become who God intends them to be. The message Crabb delivers here is a welcome contribution in a world needing men with courage.
The Perfect Leader by Ken BoaFinding positive leadership models is always good. But one can do no better than learning leadership by looking straight at the traits of God. That’s what Ken Boa helps us do in his book The Perfect Leader. By noting the character, skills and relationships of the perfect leader… and connecting these to our Creator…
Boa leads readers to discover the profound spiritual nature of godly leadership. In a day when many leadership books emphasize pragmatic tactics, this book offers something much deeper. Those who read it will find the best leaders are those whose lives are increasingly in sync with the God who made them.
The Five Pillars of Biblical Leadership by Gary NorthEvery faithful man wants his life to have an effective influence for the Kingdom of God. But what can he do to reliably bring this about? Gary North shows the way in this little-known book. By reminding us of God’s covenantal pattern that underlies all His dealings with men and nations, North reveals the
framework any man can apply in his pursuit of faithful leadership and godly influence. This book is full of practical insights grounded in solid theology–not worldly wisdom. And the writing style makes it enjoyable and easy to understand.
A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix by Edwin FriedmanMany have called this the best leadership book available. That’s a big claim, but it’s not unfounded. A Failure of Nerve supplies solutions leaders need, yet are hard to find. For example, Friedman addresses how to: lead in an age of chronic anxiety… overcome
gridlock in families and organizations… and keep those who are least emotionally healthy from taking over the ship. This is a life-transforming book. It takes time to think through. But those who make the commitment to do so will reap big returns for their leadership.
Dedication and Leadership by Douglas HydeWritten by a former communist, this book is both informative and challenging. It explains why a failed system like communism can gain so many adherents. And at the same time it calls believers to live with a higher level of commitment, in keeping with the truth they
possess. According to Hyde, dedication is the prerequisite for leadership. Understanding this… and carrying out its implications… will do much to strengthen and grow Christ’s church. Dedication and Leadership is an inspiring and timely read.
To Be Near Unto God by Abraham KuyperThis book is a collection of meditations. Some would classify them as devotional, and they certainly are that. But what I like so much about this book is that it was written by a former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, and his thoughts reveal a man who saw faith as something to integrate into every aspect of life
-- even civil government. Though a tad wordy in places, this book is well worth reading for its insights on living close to God -- no matter what your calling in life.
The Narrative Gym by Randy OlsonLeaders of all kinds need to be clear and effective communicators. But communication is an area where a lot of men struggle. So how can they improve? They can start by going to The Narrative Gym. Trained as a scientist, Randy Olson went on to become a screenwriter. And it was in this role he discovered how
people can quickly improve their communication by using a story framework. This book explains the framework in a way that's easy to understand. Your communication is sure to improve by reading and applying the method it shares.
The 4 C's Formula by Dan SullivanGood leaders are always learning and growing. And you can hasten the pace of this in your life when you understand the process of growth. Dan Sullivan has coached high-level entrepreneurs for over 40 years. During that time he’s observed a process of growth that explains why some people consistently develop and succeed. It’s
an approach that's simple to internalize and apply. This book is excellent for anyone interested in learning a clear path to experiencing a lifetime of growth.
CULTUREGod made us culture-creating beings. This goes all the way back to Adam and his call to cultivate and keep the Garden of Eden. So the question is not whether we will have a culture, but what kind of culture we will have. I present the books in this section with the hope they will help you better understand the currents of our unbelieving culture today.
And equip you to be involved in helping our culture flourish as it glorifies God.
Counterfeit Gods by Timothy KellerMoney, sex and power continue to reign as dominant idols in our culture. And we are likely unaware of the extent they have influenced all of us. In this book, Tim Keller exposes that influence, reveals how hollow these idols really are, and leads us to the One true source of hope and
security. Since our fallen hearts are prone to idolatry, we need to be equipped to identify our idols and root them out in a way that increases our faith in God. Counterfeit Gods prepares us for this with a thoughtful and pastoral approach.
Idols for Destruction by Herbert SchlossbergThis book is a heavier but fascinating read. Written by a former analyst with the CIA, it shows how idols have become institutionalized in American culture. When we consider idolatry, we tend to overlook the extent to which entities like the state, banks, military and scientific community have
displaced God and become our sources of guidance and objects of hope. Being a more scholarly book, not everyone will read Idols for Destruction to the end. But those who do will definitely become more discerning from its analysis.
Law & Liberty by R.J. RushdoonyLawlessness is on the increase. More people are recognizing this, and are concerned about where we’re headed. But how do we address it? One man who anticipated the trend toward lawlessness was R.J. Rushdoony. Though originally presented as radio addresses over 50 years ago, this series
of essays by Rushdoony is more pertinent than ever. The overall theme is one we must grasp: the only foundation for morality and freedom to flourish is God's law. ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it’ says the Bible. Law & Liberty makes this plain.
Strange New World by Carl TruemanTo understand our present age, it’s important to have an awareness of what led up to it. Especially when it comes to our confusion about gender and identity issues. As Carl Trueman shows, our current state didn’t come about overnight, but is the result of a revolution that has displaced our Creator and His
design with faulty notions of “authenticity” and “expressive individualism.” For all who want to make sense of the sexual madness that marks our time, Strange New World not only gives the history, but reorients the reader to help us restore our sanity.
Awake, Not Woke by Noelle MeringWoke ideology has got a grip on our culture, and it's bringing us confusion, division and a loss of meaning. Many Christians have embraced this ideology out of false guilt and compassion -- even though its ideas run against biblical teachings about God’s creational design, the nature of fallen man, and
redemption. Awake, Not Woke does a great job revealing this truth, as it exposes the premises and tactics of the progressive Woke movement. The book is also strong in that it shows the way of restoration, by bringing people together around faith, truth and love. This is essential reading for anyone who wants to navigate the views of social justice that currently saturate our society.
The Micah Mandate by George GrantOur world needs God’s people to engage it with their salt and light. But we need help to engage it well. For this, we find clear direction in the ancient mandate from the prophet Micah, in which says we’re to: do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God (Mic. 6:8). In this book, George
Grant unpacks this directive for life in our contemporary world, as he wisely conveys how we’re to live out the three aspects of Micah’s mandate with balance. Though written before our current social justice ideology came on the scene, Grant’s work helps us frame our response with a biblical simplicity.
The American Covenant by Marshall FosterThe blessings of America are grounded in the forgotten truth that our Founders made a covenant with our Creator. Now, having squandered the blessings we’ve received, it’s time to recover the principles of this covenant. Marshall Foster shows the way in this book. The American
Covenant does an excellent job explaining the importance of self-government – within a providential view of history. The book also fills in significant holes most of us have in our understanding of the American story. And it concludes with an outline of what's needed to apply a more biblical worldview to our nation moving forward.
Plowing in Hope by David Bruce HegemanOur thoughts about culture tend to revolve around the condition of society or the cultural battles we face. But this book goes deeper to lay out God’s positive design for culture. From the Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem, Plowing in Hope reveals a biblical vision that gives meaning to our efforts
in the world, as it explains how culture is the outworking of mankind’s unique place within God’s creation. The book’s emphasis on building up what God has put in our hands is refreshing. And it's positive message is worth taking time to absorb.
The Kingdom and the Power by Peter J. LeithartIn his book, The Kingdom and the Power, Peter Leithart shows from Scripture that Christians must neither retreat from the world or idolize power and mammon to influence the world... rather, it must engage the world as the church. For wherever Christ is present,
there is the kingdom. That means the kingdom of God is in the church, the body of Christ. This book teaches and reminds us that the church influences culture best when it is faithful as the church – in every aspect of its ministry, whether it be in the sanctuary or community.
Always Ready by Dr. Greg L. BahnsenChristians regularly face opportunities to defend what they believe. Unfortunately, they often feel ill-equipped to speak up, so they remain silent and become discouraged. Always Ready addresses this common problem. And it does so not just by providing answers to specific challenges to the faith, but by
teaching a system for handling the assumptions at work in any conversation. Written by one of the greatest theologians of the last century, this book is essentially a course in apologetics in one volume.
ECONOMICS and ENTERPRISEEconomics literally has to do with "household management." When we understand the purpose of economics is to increase human flourishing -- in the family and society -- we can view it as a topic that definitely falls under the dominion mandate. Yet most people – including Christians – haven’t learned a lot about this domain of our existence. The books in this section can
change that. And once understood from a biblical perspective, economics can help God’s people become more enterprising as well.
Master Your Money by Ron BlueThis book – written by the founder of Kingdom Advisors – is a great resource for anyone looking to get control of their finances. In a world full of bad ideas about money, Ron Blue provides an antidote by giving sound biblical advice on topics such as saving, investing, getting out of debt, giving, creating long-term plans and
avoiding common financial mistakes. Master Your Money is full of wise insights from a man called to use his gifts to equip God’s people in the area of finances.
The Maker Versus the Takers by Jerry BowyerIt’s often assumed since Jesus taught it’s hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven that He must favor socialism. But this is a myth people have assumed far too long. Christian economist Jerry Bowyer shows why in the The Maker versus the Takers. As Bowyer reveals, Jesus did not lead a
poor peasants revolt in Lower Galilee -- as often taught -- but actually ministered in quite an industrious and entrepreneurial community. In addition to refuting the myth of Jesus as a socialist, the book provides an economic perspective on many other aspects of the gospels you won't find anywhere else.
Biblical Economics by R.C. Sproul Jr.People commonly view economics as an obscure subject. And Christians often fail to see its relevance to their faith. So they miss out on learning economic principles that are important to maximizing their fruitfulness in God’s Kingdom. This book addresses this problem by making economics understandable and practical. In
an engaging, easy to read style, Biblical Economics shows the reader how issues such as stewardship, financial policies, inflation and debt play a role in our faithful development of God’s world. If you're tired of having news or conversations about economics confuse you or put you to sleep, read this book.
Wisdom and Dominion by Gary NorthGary North wrote a massive 31 Volume Economic Commentary on the Bible. He started the project in 1973 and completed it shortly before his death in early
2022. This volume on Proverbs is among my favorites. Proverbs itself is an extremely practical book. But North adds insights on how the world works that will give any reader an advantage in life and business. Topics include: paying attention to details, crooked dealing, middle-class living, virtue and productivity, marrying well, and a lot more. Previously, this book was aptly titled God’s Success
Called to Create by Jordan RaynorGod made us creative beings. And we’re to use our creative capacity to show forth His character through our callings and diverse activities. In Called to Create, Jordan Raynor helps us see the many ways we can use our creativity to honor God and make disciples. With stories from over 40
Christian entrepreneurs, the book provides encouraging lessons on the eternal value of the work we do. And it also inspires readers to consider new ventures God may want them to pursue.
Mover of Men and Mountains by R.G. LeTourneauR.G. LeTourneau began his working life as a simple mechanic. But he became known as the world’s greatest inventor of earthmoving and materials handling equipment. LeTourneau’s equipment is considered a major factor in the Allied victory in World War II. And it was also used in laying
down America's 48,000-mile interstate highway system. A faithful Christian, LeTourneau credits his success to trusting God entirely as his partner. His success enabled LeTourneau to fund various Christian missions and establish a university. A great book for enterprising souls who want to see how a business run by God can succeed.
PRODUCTIVITYConsuming and producing are both a part of life. But in the West we tend to do more consuming than producing. And we end up falling short of our potential when it comes to the contributions we can make to the world. So how do we become more productive in a culture filled with demands and distractions? The books I offer here are a good place to
Ploductivity by Douglas WilsonYou can hardly go wrong getting productivity advice from someone who pastors a thriving church, started a college, and writes books faster than most can read them. So what is Douglas Wilson’s productivity secret? This book’s title hints at the answer: it's stable and graceful plodding while making the most of the time
available. Yet this book is much more than an exhortation to plod along. It also supplies a rich theology of work, technology and mission for our digital age.
What's Best Next by Matt PermanProductivity is part of God’s plan for us. So it makes sense to make our plans with Him. What’s Best Next gives valuable guidance on how to do this, and helps us go from being merely busy to effective in the mission God has for us. A theme throughout the book is that productivity isn’t
just about getting more things done. It’s about getting the right things done. So you can occupy yourself with the things that count, make a difference, and move the world forward.
Deep Work by Cal NewportOne of the most important skills you can develop today is the ability to focus without distraction on a demanding task. But how do you do that consistently in a world with constant interruptions? Cal Newport gives us the guidance to make it happen in his book Deep Work. After explaining the value and nature of
deep work, he lays out four rules to make deep work a part of one’s life. Applying these rules may run against the grain of our low-attention span culture, but they will allow those who embrace them to excel in craftsmanship and fulfillment.
LEGACYWhat will be the lasting effect of your life? And how will you be remembered? These are the kind of questions that have to do with your legacy. A legacy goes beyond the inheritance you leave behind. Because it has more to do with values than valuables. The books in this section will help you think about what you can do to build your own legacy today through those who can carry it
The Treasure Principle by Randy AlcornMost Christians are familiar with Jesus’s teaching about storing up treasure in heaven rather than earth, but relatively few understand the practical application of this teaching. The Treasure Principle does us all a service by explaining how Jesus actually wants us to store up treasure for ourselves
– in a way it will last forever. In reading this book, you can’t help but experience a larger vision of eternity and an increase in generosity. And together they will help you build your legacy.
Gospel Patrons by John RinehartAccording to this book, Gospel Patrons are people who believe that a great life is not measured by what we gain, but by what we give our lives to accomplish. The book tells three stories of Gospel Patrons whose generosity was a catalyst for great movements of God. These examples challenge us to: find our part in
God’s kingdom, give our lives to what matters most, and live for a lasting legacy. By providing the backgrounds of these great works of God, you can’t help but think bigger about the mark you can leave on the world.
Leverage: Using Temporal Wealth for Eternal Gain by Ken BoaMaximizing the impact of one’s resources for eternity requires a shift in perspective. It also calls for some strategic applications. By combining the insights of a theologian and a field professional, this book provides the principles and practices we need to biblically leverage what’s
been entrusted to us for God’s kingdom. No matter what your net worth, this book will help you become a better steward of your resources. Are You Eager to Fulfill Your Place in God's Plan for the World?If you’ve read this far, I tend to think so! There are lots of insights in these books to help you. So start reading, pondering, applying... and enjoy. Get Dominion, David Bostrom,
Director Made for Dominion Ministries
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