Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

A model for men with a mission

Published: Mon, 12/11/23

Should you give up on what God has shown you? A model for men with a mission After Caleb spied out the Promised Land, he recommended the people enter…

Are Christians really no earthly good?

Published: Fri, 12/08/23

Who has brought the advancements we enjoy in our world today? Are Christians really no earthly good? I'm sure you've heard it claimed "Christians are…

The world's greatest counselor

Published: Thu, 12/07/23

Where to turn first when you need direction... The world's greatest counselor In the Bible David interestingly calls God’s testimonies his…

Entering the unknown with faith and courage

Published: Wed, 12/06/23

Never forget you're not alone Entering the unknown with faith and courage Much of life involves facing unknowns. This can cause any of us to live in a…

Making the most of your words

Published: Tue, 12/05/23

How you use your tongue can make a difference in God's kingdom... Making the most of your words God made us verbal creatures. That is, we can speak!…

Getting on with the king's business

Published: Mon, 12/04/23

What to do when the world perple es you. Getting on with the king's business I’ve been reading the book of Daniel and noticed a principle worth…

The devil's strategy

Published: Fri, 12/01/23

Let us not be ignorant of the devil's schemes The devil's strategy There’s an old saying that says you should “know your enemy.” And this certainly…

Your place in God's story

Published: Thu, 11/30/23

Every life well-lived finds its place in God's grand narrative Your place in God's story The history of creation, the fall, and redemption is one…

Overcoming passivity

Published: Wed, 11/29/23

We can trace many of our woes to being passive when we should be active. Overcoming passivity From the beginning God made us to be active. Not…

Build your legacy with warm-handed giving

Published: Tue, 11/28/23

It's always a good time to consider the effect of your life on the world. Build your legacy with warm-handed giving I don’t tend to pay a lot of…

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