Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

A time to speak up

Published: Tue, 01/16/24

Have you got something to say? Don't be afraid to speak up... A time to speak up There’s plenty amiss in our world these days. And you may feel the…

Finding your way in the world

Published: Mon, 01/15/24

Every man's challenge... Finding your way in the world The Bible uses the word world (or cosmos) in different ways. Many of the uses are negative. For…

Recovering from time in the pig field

Published: Fri, 01/12/24

A new life awaits... Recovering from time in the pig field Every true follower of Christ can identity with the parable of the prodigal son (Lk.

The source of your identity

Published: Wed, 01/10/24

The source of your identity One of the things Made for Dominion does is help men become established in their identity. And this is important because…

What's your game plan?

Published: Tue, 01/09/24

Do you have a strategy for your stage in life? What's your game plan? Football season is currently wrapping up with championship games. Now, if you're…

Getting comfortable with the unknown

Published: Mon, 01/08/24

You will never realize all God intends for you without faith... Getting comfortable with the unknown Wouldn’t it be nice if life was like following a…

How well are you using your imagination?

Published: Fri, 01/05/24

It's a huge factor when it comes to the overall effect of your life... How well are you using your imagination? Here is an overlooked way to become…

Stay vigilant

Published: Thu, 01/04/24

Stay vigilant No man can be what God intends for him without vigilance over his own life. This is why the psalmist prays: Establish my footsteps in…

Serving God where He has you

Published: Wed, 01/03/24

He may use your faithfulness today in ways that would shock you... Serving God where He has you A lot of people are unhappy with their place in life.

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