Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

The need for friends

Published: Thu, 06/29/23

God made men to live, thrive and get dominion with friends. A tribe. A band of brothers. But most men have few friends. So they languish. Made for…

God can and does change people

Published: Wed, 06/28/23

God can and does change people The good news of the gospel goes beyond forgiveness. It includes the fact God can and does change people. One of the…

Following the Commander's Intent

Published: Tue, 06/27/23

Following the Commander's Intent The military has principle known as Commander’s Intent. The gist of the principle is… Since real life battles contain…

Two forces EVERYONE must overcome

Published: Thu, 06/22/23

Two forces everyone must overcome There are two forces everyone must overcome to fulfill God's purpose for their life: These are GUILT and FEAR. I…

The commission to build a culture

Published: Wed, 06/21/23

The commission to build a culture In the beginning God put Adam in the garden of Eden to 'cultivate' and 'keep' it (Gen. 2:15). At its core, this was…

Take heart... long and hard is normal

Published: Tue, 06/20/23

Take heart... long and hard is normal In his second letter to his disciple Timothy… The Apostle Paul uses three metaphors to communicate what living…

The unfinished work of Christ

Published: Fri, 06/16/23

The unfinished work of Christ “The finished work of Christ” is a familiar phrase to Christians. It refers to the faithful obedience of Jesus which He…

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