Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

Make plans, but...

Published: Wed, 08/09/23

Make plans, but... We often hear of the virtues of planning. And indeed the Bible commends the practice. It tells us planning is an essential part of…

Is doing life alone hindering you?

Published: Tue, 08/08/23

This one is for loners. And this includes me! I’m an introvert by nature. I love people… but being with them too long drains me. And I must regularly…

World-builder par excellence

Published: Mon, 08/07/23

World-builder par e cellence The most popular authors of our time all share a unique skill. They are all masters of what’s known as ‘world-building.’…

Faith drives culture

Published: Wed, 07/12/23

Please note: I'll be on a break from writing and sending MfD emails for the ne t week and a half or so. If you really miss me, check out the archive…

Overcoming personal powerlessness

Published: Tue, 07/11/23

Overcoming personal powerlessness So many people feel powerless in their circumstances. This is a big deal, and something to take seriously... Because…

Changing the narrative about men

Published: Mon, 07/10/23

Changing the narrative about men Men have served as cultivators and protectors on earth for millennia. And they’ve been revered for the constructive…

Keeping the garden today

Published: Fri, 07/07/23

Keeping the garden today Part of God’s mandate for each of us is to watch over and protect what He’s entrusted to our care. And… Fulfilling this role…

You need a heart that sees

Published: Thu, 07/06/23

You need a heart that sees The Bible makes it clear we must do more than see with our eyes. We must see with our hearts. Jesus gets at this when He…

Getting down-to-earth

Published: Wed, 07/05/23

Getting down-to-earth We all love down-to-earth people. And we need them. Their realism and practicality is what makes the world work. But sometimes…

What do you give a nation for its birthday?

Published: Tue, 07/04/23

What do you give a nation for its birthday? We’re used to giving gifts to celebrate birthdays. So it’s fitting to consider what to give America for…

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