Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

Living in Jeremiah Time

Published: Wed, 06/14/23

Living in Jeremiah TimeA friend and reader reminded me we are living in ‘Jeremiah Time.’Jeremiah Time is a reference to the years God’s people were e…

Doing life with God today

Published: Fri, 06/09/23

Doing life with God today From the beginning God made us to do life with Him. It's how we're to get dominion in this world. The first man and woman…

Getting back to the real you

Published: Thu, 06/08/23

Getting back to the real you After completing his famous statue ‘David,’ Michelangelo was asked how he made such a marvelous piece of art. The master…

There's more going on than meets the eye

Published: Wed, 06/07/23

There's more going on than meets the eye Recently I read through I and II Kings and I and II Chronicles. This time through, two things stood out to…

God made you for good works

Published: Mon, 06/05/23

God made you for good works Christians don't talk much about good works these days. I suppose it is for fear of appearing legalistic or contrary to…

Is your narrative rooted in truth?

Published: Fri, 06/02/23

Is your narrative rooted in truth? Narratives are powerful. They tell a story. They represent. And they shape perspectives. Narratives are everywhere.

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