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Daily Encouragement

Our task in this world

Published: Mon, 09/11/23

Our task in this world ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’ (Mt. 10:7). The famous Reformed theologian John Calvin once said our task in this world is…

Finding meaning in your work

Published: Tue, 09/05/23

Finding meaning in your work Do you struggle to find meaning in your work? People often view work as a necessary evil… And it leads them to see their…

Never be bored again

Published: Fri, 09/01/23

Never be bored again Boredom is dangerous. It's not only a sign you're missing something fruitful you could do... When boredom persists, it makes sin…

Choosing repentance over regret

Published: Thu, 08/31/23

Choose repentance over regret Everyone has regrets about the past. And there are things we all feel bad about we would like to do over. Some people…

The starting point of every new beginning

Published: Wed, 08/30/23

The starting point of every new beginning Mankind’s fundamental problem isn’t complicated: It’s that we each like to function as though we are God.

The case for patient plodding

Published: Mon, 08/28/23

The case for patient plodding Every place in life brings pressure to show results. And if results don’t come fast enough, there’s the temptation to…

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