Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

The grace of discipline

Published: Wed, 08/23/23

The grace of discipline What do you think of when you hear the word “discipline?” For many, the word carries negative connotations going back to…

Dominion fast and slow

Published: Mon, 08/21/23

Dominion fast and slow Bringing dominion to the world is God's fundamental instruction to humanity (Gen. 1:26-28). But there are two ways to go about…

What are you doing to build your legacy?

Published: Fri, 08/18/23

What are you doing to build your legacy? My wife and I had our first grandchild last month. Praise God! When I held him for the first time it reminded…

How do you know what's true?

Published: Thu, 08/17/23

How do you know what's true? Here’s a question for you… “In our age of disinformation, how do you know what’s true?” Some respond by saying there’s no…

It's a binary world

Published: Wed, 08/16/23

It's a binary world A famous athlete recently said he couldn’t believe in Christianity because it was “too binary” for him. I took this to mean he…

What kind of Christian are you?

Published: Tue, 08/15/23

What kind of Christian are you? An analytical thinker once said there are three kinds of Christians. Those who emphasize:1) Correct doctrine2) Holy…

Ask not what Jesus can do for you...

Published: Mon, 08/14/23

Ask not what Jesus can do for you... We tend to emphasize the individual benefits of the gospel. Like the way it… Restores one with God… gives…

Attention: moviegoers

Published: Fri, 08/11/23

Attention: moviegoers Recently my wife and I went to see the movie Sound of Freedom… Which is the blockbuster e pose’ of the massive, worldwide child-…

The most Spiritual men among us

Published: Thu, 08/10/23

The most Spiritual men among us People often assume those who are most spiritual pay more attention to the unseen world than the seen. And this…

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