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Daily Encouragement

Some good news about young men

Published: Mon, 04/22/24

A hopeful trend from the ne t generation Some good news about young menI’ve got some encouraging news regarding young men. According to my own…

How to avoid being good for nothing

Published: Fri, 04/19/24

You are the salt of the earth... How to avoid being good for nothing “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be…

Cheer up, it's still early

Published: Thu, 04/18/24

There's time, and hope... Cheer up, it's still early People often look at our troubled world and assume the end is near. They think all the problems…

Why getting something done is so satisfying

Published: Tue, 04/16/24

Your nature seeks accomplishment... Why getting something done is so satisfying Completing a job sure is satisfying, isn’t it? It might be something…

Serving God by helping others flourish

Published: Fri, 04/12/24

The primary way we serve God is by serving others who bear His image. In other words... Serving God is not primarily an abstract practice, where we…

The God of great reversals

Published: Thu, 04/11/24

It is easy to think some things will never change for the better. Which is discouraging, and gets you believing you're stuck with the status quo. But…

The believer's advantage

Published: Wed, 04/10/24

Believers have a significant advantage. The live knowing all they do fits within God's plan for eternity. This assurance comes from the first chapter…

God and your self-image

Published: Tue, 04/09/24

What comes to your mind when someone brings up the topic of self-image? Do you see it as a bunch of psychobabble? Talking about self-image makes a lot…

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