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Daily Encouragement

Qualities of men who know who they are...

Published: Tue, 05/07/24

Updated: Tue, 05/07/24

Foundational attributes for well-functioning men Qualities of men who know who they are... I’m finishing up a book to help men discover and live in…

Your garden from God

Published: Mon, 05/06/24

Updated: Mon, 05/06/24

What do you have to cultivate and keep today? Your garden from God Here is a truth to keep in mind as you approach each day... God has given you your…

A society without children

Published: Fri, 05/03/24

Updated: Fri, 05/03/24

Our attitude toward children foretells our future... A society without children Birth rates are the lowest they’ve ever been in the U.S. For some…

No little people... just people

Published: Wed, 05/01/24

Updated: Wed, 05/01/24

There's value in what God has given you to do... No little people... just people The late Francis Schaeffer pointed out there are “no little people,…

Do you waste time this way?

Published: Tue, 04/30/24

Updated: Tue, 04/30/24

Perhaps the most overlooked time-waster ever... Do you waste time this way? Do you spend a lot of time speculating about the unknowable? If so, here…

Awake, sleeper

Published: Mon, 04/29/24

Awake, sleeper Every day starts with a mini-resurrection. As God raises us from our slumber. And gives us another day of e istence. But with this…

First Principles: Don't do life without them

Published: Thu, 04/25/24

First Principles: Don't Do Life Without Them Do you know what your first principles are? You’ve got to have them. Consider them your foundation…

Don't hide your light

Published: Wed, 04/24/24

Jesus calls His followers 'the light of the world" (Mt. 5:14-16). This is more than just a figure of speech. It's a statement about our identity. And…

Your God-given identity

Published: Tue, 04/23/24

Your identity is at the foundation of fulfilling your part in God's kingdom This follows from a very simple principle: If you know who you are, you'll…

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