Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

The Foundation of Your Identity

Published: Wed, 09/18/24

Updated: Wed, 09/18/24

Day 3 of your mini-course... This email marks the halfway point of your Five Day Mini-Course on Discovering Your God-Given Identity. Day Three: The…

Obstacles to living in your God-given identity

Published: Tue, 09/17/24

Updated: Tue, 09/17/24

Day 2 of your mini-course... This email continues your Five Day Mini-Course on Discovering Your God-Given Identity. Day Two: Obstacles to Your True…

The Identity Advantage

Published: Tue, 09/17/24

Updated: Tue, 09/17/24

Timely guide for men eager to fulfill God's purpose in today's world... NEW BOOK to FORTIFY MEN: The Identity Advantage Now Available A…

Why your identity matters

Published: Mon, 09/16/24

Updated: Mon, 09/16/24

Something new for this week... Dear MfD Subscriber: Tomorrow I am launching my new book to help men become established in their God-given identity.

The Blessing of God's Law

Published: Fri, 09/13/24

Updated: Fri, 09/13/24

What Psalm 119 reveals about embracing God's commandments in troubled times... Was this email forwarded to you? Subscribe here for more The Blessing…

From anxiety to action

Published: Thu, 09/12/24

Updated: Thu, 09/12/24

Making the most of the gifts you've been given... Was this email forwarded to you? Subscribe here for more From an iety to action I once heard a…

Faith in the midst of evil

Published: Wed, 09/11/24

Updated: Wed, 09/11/24

Reflecting on 9/11 and the ongoing battle against darkness Was this email forwarded to you? Subscribe here for more Faith in the midst of evil It's…

Why prayer changes things

Published: Tue, 09/10/24

Updated: Tue, 09/10/24

Unlocking the power of the Spirit in everyday life Was this email forwarded to you? Subscribe here for more Why prayer changes things We've all heard…

Remember where you stand

Published: Mon, 09/09/24

Living from a position of victory... Was this email forwarded to you? Subscribe here for more Remember where you stand We too often forget the…

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