Made for Dominion

Daily Encouragement

God's design for marriage

Published: Tue, 10/10/23

Dominion partnership is God's plan. God's Design for MarriageFrom the beginning God intended man and woman to function together as dominion partners.

Staying focused

Published: Mon, 10/09/23

You can maintain your focus and fulfill the calling God has for you Staying focused Staying focused can be incredibly difficult these days... As we…

Can we rid the world of evil?

Published: Thu, 10/05/23

Contending with evil. Can we rid the world of evil? After the 9/11 attacks on America I remember President George W. Bush promising to “rid the world…

The core of your identity

Published: Wed, 10/04/23

What is the core of your identity? The core of your identity What is the core of your identity? If we find our identity in our accomplishments, roles…

We're living in a land of opportunity

Published: Tue, 10/03/23

It's all in how you frame it. We're living in a land of opportunity A big part of how we manage life depends on how we frame things. For e ample… You…

Pushing the boundaries

Published: Mon, 10/02/23

Are you hesitant to push the boundaries? Pushing the boundaries Most Christians I know hesitate to push the boundaries. They're more inclined to…

Meek is not weak... it's magnificent

Published: Fri, 09/29/23

Meek is not weak... it's magnificent I finished yesterday’s missive by quoting Jesus’s words from the Sermon on the Mount: The meek shall inherit the…

Like it or not, dominion is inescapable

Published: Thu, 09/28/23

Like it or not, dominion is inescapable Just the idea of dominion makes some people uncomfortable. And you may be among them. But we must remember...

Taking evil seriously

Published: Wed, 09/27/23

Taking evil seriously Evil is not content to coe ist. It seeks to overcome and destroy. It is like an aggressive cancer. And it wants to ruin you.

Faith is for applying here and now

Published: Tue, 09/26/23

Faith is for applying here and now My wife and I had an interesting conversation the other day. We were talking about how... Even as Bible-believers…

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