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Daily Encouragement

Do you self-censor out of fear?

Published: Tue, 02/13/24

If you have something important to say, speak up Do you self-censor out of fear? We all can be reluctant to speak freely because we fear the response…

The sun of righteousness enlightens the way

Published: Mon, 02/12/24

Walking in the true light... The sun of righteousness enlightens the way The sun will rise today on 8.1 billion souls. And due to God’s common grace,…

The value of rest

Published: Fri, 02/09/24

Yes, life is moving fast, but... The value of rest Everybody’s under pressure to produce and be efficient these days. But we must not neglect to take…

God's answer to lawlessness

Published: Thu, 02/08/24

How do we respond to the lawlessness of our times? God's law as a tool of dominion Sad to say, lawlessness is becoming a feature of American life. To…

Right now counts forever

Published: Tue, 02/06/24

God's eternal kingdom changes everything... Right now counts forever Something we don’t consider enough is that God’s kingdom will never end. And this…

The need to not conform

Published: Mon, 02/05/24

Is the world shaping you into its mold? The need for nonconformists The Bible directs us to be nonconformists. How about that!? It e horts us to not…

Proof God is not done with you

Published: Fri, 02/02/24

His promise is still being fulfilled... Proof God is not done with you God promised Abraham that all the families of the earth would be blessed…

For those with regrets

Published: Thu, 02/01/24

A different way to think about your past... For those with regrets Are you burdened by decisions you’ve made or directions you’ve chosen? Here’s an…

Managing your property/stuff for the kingdom

Published: Wed, 01/31/24

Here's something we should talk about more... Managing your property and stuff for the kingdom An important part of your role in the Dominion Mandate…

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