God made you and me with a picture-maker, or what's commonly called an imagination.
Much of what we experience and do in life comes about as a result of how we use our picture-maker.
Adam was the first to misuse his picture-maker when he imagined himself as being like God.
Ever since then, mankind has been inclined to use the Lord's gift of the picture-maker selfishly.
In the days of Noah, things got really bad...
... the images men were contriving in their hearts 'were only evil continually' (Gen.6:5)... so God decided to start over with humanity.
Ultimately... with the coming of Jesus, men are put back in a place where they can use their picture-maker rightly, as God designed.
We see this in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt.5-7)...
... where Jesus gives images of life in His kingdom... warning about living by the lusts of the heart rather than by faith in a merciful Father who clothes the lilies of the fields and feeds the birds of the sky.
How you use your own picture-maker involves choices everyday.
Apart from the Lord, we become the producers of dark movies in our minds.
But with the help of His Spirit, we can see how He is at work in our midst... and we can envision our place in His kingdom.
And it's out of this vision God bears good fruit through our lives.
"Finally... whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things" (Phil4:8).