Another area all people wonder about is their destiny...
They want to know where their lives are headed and what their future will be.
This is of interest to everyone because, as the Bible says, God has set eternity in the human heart (Eccl.3:11).
For the unbeliever this reality can be ominous, leading to either:
(a) denial and an 'eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die' philosophy (1 Cor.15:32)
(b) or, a constant fear of death (Heb.2:15).
The believer, on the other hand, can think on the topic of their destiny with confidence.
Because they can be assured:
(a) God has a plan for their welfare (Jer.29:11)
(b) those who belong to the Lord will inherit the earth (Mt.5:5)
(c) and, Jesus is preparing a place for them (Jn.14:3)
These truths allow those who live by faith to freely focus on how they can best serve the Lord in the present... and not worry about what the future may bring... because they know their destiny is secure.
"The Lord will fulfill his purpose..." (Ps.138:8).