The other day a friend mentioned how he's been struggling with anger over the growing evil around us.
My friend is not alone.
There are a lot of people who are feeling angry over the ungodliness, corruption and injustices of our day.
Now the thing is, this anger isn't necessarily bad...
... as God Himself is angry with the wicked every day (Ps.7:11).
But -- and here's the problem -- even righteous anger can lead to sin and unrighteous behavior if it's allowed to fester and become the prevailing emotion in your heart.
So how do you keep anger over evil from getting the best of you?
I think the Apostle Paul gave the best instruction when he wrote:
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom.12:21).
The principle here is really simple...
If you find yourself consumed with anger over some evil and you're being tempted by ungodly thoughts related to that anger, get yourself focusing on some good you can do to overcome the evil that's got you angry.
Here are a few suggestions:
1) Make a habit of praying God would overcome evil. Certain Psalms -- like Psalm 5, 10, 79, 83 and 140 -- are especially helpful.
2) Occupy yourself with the good you can do close to home and in your community -- and don't be preoccupied with what you can't do far off somewhere.
3) Team up with those who are doing good by volunteering or contributing.
The important thing is to find some way to channel your justified anger into a constructive activity.
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