Being made in God's image, every human alive shares certain aspirations or desires of the heart.
Let's consider some of these this week... with the first being freedom.
Who doesn't want freedom?
Now... when the world talks about freedom, it tends to mean the ability to do whatever you want.
But in an absolute sense, no one can do whatever they want...
... and to think you can only leads to bondage and self-destruction.
As an alternative, the Bible reveals a freedom which comes from God's grace and restores us to His good design.
For example...
When God delivered Israel from its slavery in Egypt, He brought them into what Os Guinness calls "ordered freedom" -- or a freedom that's protected and thrives by living according to the order of God's commands (Ex.20).
The New Testament shows it follows this idea of ordered freedom too when it says freedom is not to be a cover for evil but a means to serving God (1 Pet.2:16).
So when the heart cries for freedom, it's ultimately crying out for the ability to live the way God made us... and carry out the unique mission He has for us in the world.
Those with darkened, unbelieving hearts can't see this... so they remain in their bondage all while thinking they're free.
But by grace, those who believe can see freedom is really about serving... and they're liberated to fulfill the purpose God has for them.