Someone asked in response to yesterday's email:
So what does making a habit of prayer actually look like?
Good question, shared by many I'm sure.
As I see it, making a habit of prayer has two parts:
1) Set times for prayer.
Like morning and evening.
The tradition of this practice goes back to the early church.
There's hardly a better way to start and end every day.
2) A constant orientation to the Father involving conversation with Him.
This includes really short prayers like:
"Father, give me wisdom. I don't know what I'm doing."
"Lord Jesus, forgive me for being impatient and not giving attention to that person."
"Spirit, keep me from being demoralized by evil so I can persevere in the good works you've given me to do."
I believe prayers like these -- throughout the day -- are the secret sauce for staying faithful, growing, and being used by God to touch other lives and advance His kingdom.
The big thing to see... your natural pull is to do life independently from God. This is everyone's struggle.
But He wants you doing life with Him -- out of the resources He provides as He dwells in you -- and not rely on yourself.
Making a habit of prayer makes this possible.
And this is really the only way to fulfill the unique calling He's given you in the space and time He's put you.
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