In a day of change and controversy like ours, people will sometimes speak of the need to be on "the right side of history."
This phrase is often used to coerce folks to adopt progressive (unbiblical) values by implying that the day is coming when these values will be mainstream...
... so you may as well accept them now, and avoid showing yourself as somebody who is on the wrong side of history.
This plays, of course, on the desire we all have to avoid appearing foolish, rigid or unhip.
But here's the thing about being on the right side of history...
History extends for a long time.
Really long.
On into eternity, actually.
And with it comes seasons of glory and periods of decadence.
But no matter what may be happening at any point in history, one thing is for sure...
God remains in charge... bringing both blessing and judgment... as He works out His story over time.
Because of this, you can always know how to stay on the right side of history -- and that's to stay faithful to Him.
You will never end up on the wrong side of history when you trust and obey Him.
"... of his kingdom there will be no end” (Lk.1:33).