If you've been on this list for any length of time you know a big theme I keep coming back to is...
God made you to rule and cultivate your little portion of the world for Him.
One of the things I don't emphasize enough though is:
This is meant to be fun!
What could bring greater joy than partnering with your Father in heaven to carry on the work He's given you in the place He has you.
Solomon touched on this in the book of Ecclesiastes when he wrote about finding satisfaction in one's toil (Ecc.2:24), and joy in receiving one's lot in life (Ecc.3:22).
Sure, there are aspects to your life that may be tough. Sometimes really tough.
Yet one of the sure marks of the Spirit's presence is that there's a joy in doing whatever God has given you to do.
And one of the greatest gifts you can give to a world wrapped up in so many fears is to deliver whatever you deliver with joy.
But the fruit of the Spirit is...joy... (Gal.5:22).