The older I get the clearer it becomes:
Doing life by prayer is the only way to go.
Every day I realize I'm never going to...
... read all the books I want to read
... develop all the skills I want to develop
... or meet all the people I want to meet
So I'm never going to become some perfect version of myself... at least this side of eternity.
The clock is running down.
And it is for you too.
So there's only so much time to bring the impact of your life to the world.
And this makes doing life by prayer essential...
Because only God can orchestrate life's untidiness during our fleeting days in a way we'd pack the biggest punch for His kingdom.
Of course, doing life with God through prayer is what He's intended from the beginning.
Adam rejected this, wanting to do life on his own... and all born of him have done the same.
Yet Jesus has restored the way for God to lead us in all we do.
So make sure you're doing your life by prayer, with Him.
The time is short and the inefficiencies are great... so you can't afford not to.