Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God (Ex.20:9-10).
I heard a good sermon yesterday on the weekly rhythm God has given us to labor for six days and rest for one.
Normally, this practically means... work at your job for five days, maintain what God has given you for a day, and rest a day.
Keeping this rhythm in mind can be a great help in approaching your week.
It also suggests the basic question at the beginning of each weekly cycle should not be...
"How am I going to make it through this week?" but...
"How can I best make myself available for whatever God might want to accomplish through me this week?"
If you're not working a normal job or are in some situation where you're on call 24/7, thinking of your week in terms of a weekly rhythm may require some creativity and special planning.
But no matter what your situation, applying this pattern of laboring hard and then really resting is one of the most important things you can do to stay fresh and fruitful for the duration of your life.
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