For as long as I can remember we've been hearing warnings about overpopulation.
You get the idea it's not gonna be long before the planet will be so teaming with humans there won't be room for us to sleep lying down!
But today researchers are telling us the reality is quite different.
And we're about to enter a demographic winter. Or what some are calling a "sansdemic"... which means "without people."
This situation is coming about in the U.S. as the boomer generation retires and dies... all while the generations that follow shun marriage and parenthood.
As a consequence, there won't be enough people to fulfill labor needs, causing lifestyles to decline for all but the wealthiest.
Pondering this, I can't help but think how easy it is to believe we're wiser than God.
I don't know how many people I've talked with over the years who have said they aren't going to have children because the world has too many people already.
But now it's becoming clear that following God's command to "be fruitful and multiply" is a pretty good idea.