We're only three days into 'Pride Month' and I'm already tired of all the rainbow flags and memes being flaunted about in the name of 'love' and 'diversity.'
So much virtue signaling -- from individuals to corporate America -- for lifestyles God calls reprobate (Romans 1:28)!
All these expressions of pseudo righteousness are grievous, and tough to endure.
Yet one of the worst parts about it all is the irony behind the use of the rainbow symbol.
You see...
When God first created the rainbow, He did so as an emblem of mercy.
And he still sets rainbows in the sky to remind Himself He will never again allow human rebellion to provoke Him to the point He'd destroy all flesh with a flood (Gen.9:15).
So, whenever you see a rainbow it's fitting to recall how merciful God is.
Yet today the symbol of the rainbow has been taken, misused and turned upside down.
Instead of representing the mercy of God, it celebrates the root of every kind of sin -- which is PRIDE.
And those who use the rainbow in this way express defiance... and convey that fulfilling one's conceited desires beats whatever God may say about His created order any day.
This twisted application reveals how the rainbow's original message ought to be recovered.
But how?
One place to start is to not let all the rainbow symbols around you this month get you riled up.
Instead, remember God's mercy -- on humanity, on America, and on you.
And may remembering this mercy lead you to flee any hint of pride... and instead live with humble boldness.