One of Satan's most powerful strategies is to accuse, and he uses it day and night (Rev.12:10).
He even raises accusations against those who are blameless (Job 1:9-10).
Satan is relentless with his accusing because he knows if he can weigh someone down with a guilty conscience, he can keep them from rising up for what's good and true.
It's in this way he seeks to advance his own diabolical agenda, as a liar and destroyer (Jn.10:10).
Staying aware of Satan's schemes is essential for contending with movements taking hold in our own day.
For example...
If you spend your days quietly minding your own business, occupied with your calling, and you find yourself accused of being a greedy, racist oppressor -- without any regard for the truth or hope of redemption -- you can pretty much count on it being a satanic attempt to keep you down.
And this needs to be handled just like any other incursion from the father of lies...
It needs to be resisted (Jas.4:7).