Yesterday I pointed out how America is not waiting for God's judgement -- it's already begun.
This is based on the words of the Apostle Paul who taught...
... when people suppress what they know to be true, God gives them over to their own corrupt desires... leading to degrading passions and a depraved mind (Rom.1:18ff).
Further, they become unmerciful and without understanding... calling evil good and good evil.
Now you don't have to look far to see plenty of this around us.
But the question is...
How do you live in the midst of a culture willing to accept anything but God and His truth?
Paul addresses this too...
... as he goes on to lay out the glorious gospel... explaining how those with faith in Christ are delivered from condemnation and free to live out new, God-honoring lives in the power of the Spirit.
But note... experiencing the fruit of such a life isn't automatic...
It involves faithfully presenting oneself to God as a living sacrifice and being transformed by the renewing of the mind (Rom.12:1-2).
So... though living in a perverse generation is demoralizing, and may tempt you to give up hope, God has charted a clear course for us...
It's in times like these we're not only called to avoid going along with the suppression of the truth... we're to reveal how glorious it really is...
And we demonstrate this by living lives unashamedly remade by the truth of the gospel, which God has given to renew all of creation.
"You are the light of the world" (Mt.5:14).
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