To the surprise of many, Jesus wasn't nice.
He was kinder, more loving and compassionate than anyone who walked the face of the earth... but niceness wasn't his concern.
You see...
If you go to the origin of the word nice, it means ignorant or not knowing.
And that wasn't Jesus...
Jesus came to earth fully aware of the devil's intent to steal, kill and destroy humanity... while ruining the glorious design God had for the world.
Jesus also knew there were those who belonged to the father of lies who were out to get him.
And Jesus came knowing He had a mission to fulfill... which was to sacrifice His life and redeem all creation.
Now to fulfill this purpose, He needed to be wise and blameless -- but not nice.
Think about this as you consider your own mission to our world...
Jesus didn't come to make you nice.
He came to restore you so you can join with Him in His work of redemption.
This will involve being kind, loving and compassionate... like Jesus.
But it will not be preoccupied with being nice.
In fact, it's concern over niceness that causes many truthful words to go unspoken and good deeds to go undone.
Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be as wary as serpents, and as innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16).