One of the big stories of this year's NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament is the success of the team from Oral Roberts University.
Normally the advance of an underdog team from a small school like ORU is celebrated.
But that's not necessarily the case in today's cultural climate if the school happens to hold to traditional Christian values.
As one sports writer claims of ORU...
... "the school is a hotbed of institutional transphobia, homophobia with regressive, sexist policies"...
And argues further...
... "whatever the Oral Roberts men’s basketball team manages to do on the court can’t obscure the dangerous and hateful ideology of its core institution."
One reason I follow what's happening during March Madness is to see what kind of life lessons the tournament delivers.
Every tournament serves up some, and this year is no different...
And one of the lessons is this...
If you happen to be one of those stalwarts who holds to biblical convictions, be ready to get criticized.
It happens in sports... and it happens in every other area of life to.
But don't let it stop you from staying faithful.
“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me" (Mt.5:11).
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