Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand (Mt. 12:25).
One of the best ways you can bring the influence of God's Kingdom in these tumultuous times is to live as a peacemaker.
Faithful, biblical peacemaking is so needed today!
Please note though... living as a peacemaker is different than living as a peacekeeper.
A peacekeeper ignores injustices and falsehoods for the sake of 'keeping peace'... which in the end never settles anything.
It just lets wounds fester.
Peacemakers take a different approach... as they hold on to the truth in pursuit of real peace.
You see... peacemakers understand peace is the fruit of righteousness, and without righteousness there is no peace (Is.32:17).
So peacemakers seek righteousness in every situation... in a spirit of love, reconciliation and sacrifice.
The one who personifies this the most, of course, is Jesus... in whom "righteousness and peace kiss each other" (Ps.85:10).
And it's as we follow Him into the unrest of our own generation we learn how to live as peacemakers wherever it's needed.
Blessed are the peacemakers (Mt.5:9).