I'm sure you're familiar with the way the Bible regards followers of Christ as His bride (Eph.5:27).
Yet what does this mean practically for us today?
You know, on this side of eternity... before the marriage supper of the lamb and all that good stuff?
Here's one way to consider applying our place as Christ's bride...
In the very beginning God gave the first Adam a wife to help him in his task of bringing dominion to the world (Gen.2:18).
Got that?
Well... as the bride of the second Adam -- Jesus -- we're to join Him in His reign and rule over the world by carrying out our callings and daily activities for Him.
“For your husband is your Maker,
Whose name is the Lord of hosts;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel,
Who is called the God of all the earth."
Isaiah 54:5