Ever since the beginning Satan has tried to rule the world through false narratives... or what you might call his own version of reality.
The first instance of this was when the serpent told Adam if he ignored God's instruction and ate the forbidden fruit he wouldn't die but would become like God.
Yeah, right.
In our lifetime, the devil has used different versions of this same narrative -- through the media, popular culture and even schools...
... all for the purpose of getting you to live as though God is dead and His Word no longer applies to our world.
On top of this, the adversary also works on you by getting quite personal...
... by whispering in your ear lies like: your life is worthless, evil is winning, and your efforts to change anything are fruitless.
Yet against these falsehoods He who is Truth brings the real story...
The story that you've been wonderfully made in God's image... and though you've sinned and fallen short of His glory, He's sent His Son Jesus to restore you... so you would use your days advancing His kingdom in the time and place He's given you life.
In a day with so many deceptive narratives, this is the one that's true and will sustain the test of time.
It's the one to hide in your heart.
And it's the one to live by.
"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth" (Ps.145:18).