Hey, yesterday I sent out a big announcement and unfortunately the video froze up for some people.
Tech sure is great until it doesn't work, don't you think!?
Anyways... I decided to lay out the highlights for you in this email... and at the end of the email I've got a new resource for you.
Here we go...
Made for Dominion has developed into a men's ministry.
For years I've watched men struggle in our culture... and I'm troubled by the way so many guys hardly know who they are or what they're supposed to do anymore!
Having been a pastor for 21 years and dad to six sons, I've been especially tuned into this problem... so a couple years ago I started working on ways to help to men.
... In the process I've even set up a 501(c)3 organization with a great board of guys helping me.
The work so far as been going really, really well...
We have a couple of men's groups going strong, and we are now venturing into some online ministry.
Most importantly... the guys involved are changing! They're coming alive!
Specifically... they're getting a clear sense of who they are and what God calls them to do... and it's motivating them in every area of life.
This is all great to see. But it's time to expand what we're doing to help many more men...
… and we have plans to start more groups, develop a training platform for men, and create some additional media.
But I could really use your help to make this happen... and there are several ways you can take part...
First, Share what we're doing with others (especially men).
Also... pray for this work.
I know, asking to pray can sound trite... but God is up to something good here, and I want you to be a part of the work He's doing to change men's lives... and your prayers are an important way to join the story!
Finally... consider donating.
We need monthly supporters who would stand with us with gifts of 50, 100 or 200 dollars a month. And we also need help with some larger gifts to build our online platform...
This is a big project costing about $15,000 that will serve as a vital tool for reaching more men and multiplying leaders -- and it can be a significant way for you to advance God's kingdom.
If you have questions about any of this, please reach out to me.
I'm just a regular guy who wants to be faithful to God's call on my life... yet I realize I can't do it alone... so I'd love to talk with you about how you might get involved.
Okay... time to wrap this up.
There you'll see an offer for a guide for new subscribers. Be aware: there's no need to re-subscribe to get the guide... you can get it by clicking here...
Sincere thanks to you for being one of my readers. And thanks for considering partnering with me to help strengthen men in their God-given identity and purpose!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Get Dominion,
David Bostrom