From the beginning God intended for us to do life with Him.
Adam's fall didn't change that. It just made it so we have to be more careful and deliberate about living with our Maker.
This is why no matter how busy your week is, you must build in time to get alone, be quiet, pray and hear from the Father through his Word.
Jesus made this a way of life for Himself... as a perfect man.
How much more do we need to do so as those constantly pulled by the world and our own desires.
In all your doing, make sure you're hearing from Him.
Then work out what He works in through the Spirit.
It's the only way to be fruitful for His kingdom.
"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing (Jn.15:5).