Rebuilding Through Repentance
Sadly, another school shooting has occurred.
And with it has come calls for the civil government to do something to stop these incidents from taking place.
Everyone would like to see the problem of school gun violence solved.
But at the core, the solution is cultural and theological, not legislative.
The Bible reminds us that violence originates in the human heart.
James 4:1-2 says, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?”
Laws can restrain behavior, but they can't transform hearts.
True peace and lasting change requires spiritual renewal that involves turning back to God.
History shows this is possible.
The city of Nineveh, infamous for its violence, repented at Jonah’s preaching, and God relented from judgment (Jonah 3).
Similarly, brutal societies like the Saxons and Vikings softened as Christianity took root...
... replacing cycles of violence and revenge with a culture that values life and reconciliation.
Today, we need that same transformation.
A nation that has drifted from God must return to Him...
Seeking His grace to heal broken hearts and rebuild communities.
Families, churches, and schools must nurture a culture of life rooted in the gospel...
Where the grace and truth of God overcomes despair and isolation.
Let us pray, not only for comfort and healing but for a renewal of faith across our land.
Our hope for lasting change begins with Him.