Strengthening Your Inner Life
The great English preacher Charles Spurgeon said:
"When the inner life is robust, all is well."
How true!
Keeping your inner life in shape is essential...
Even in messy circumstances, you can experience peace as you pursue your purpose.
Yet in paradise, a troubled heart can still weigh you down.
One brings endurance.
The other may lead to collapse.
how do you guard your heart and strengthen your inner life?
1) Anchor yourself in God's Word.
Make it your standard and
consume it daily.
2) Live life with the Father.
Pray constantly--don't go it alone.
3) Stay humble.
Be quick to repent when you know you've done wrong.
4) Walk by faith
Trust God in every step you take.
Make these practices a way of life.
They'll keep you fruitful for the kingdom...
No matter what life throws your way.
"Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life." (Pr. 4:23).
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