How intelligent are you?
I recently came across an intriguing definition of intelligence:
Intelligence is the ability to tell stories.
If you don’t see yourself as a storyteller, you might find this discouraging.
But take a moment to reflect…
Animals don’t tell stories.
Even artificial intelligence can’t tell stories on its own–it needs human prompts to
guide it.
Yet every human being has the unique ability to observe life and discern the essential elements of stories:
– characters
– settings
– conflicts and plots
– points of view
– dialogue and interaction
– symbolism and imagery
– The resolution of problems
By putting these pieces together, we don’t just understand and appreciate stories—we create them.
And this ability shouldn’t surprise us, because we come from a storytelling God…
A God who:
– Created all things
– Set forth a plan for mankind to have dominion in the world alongside Him
– And overcame evil to ensure His plan would be fulfilled
During Advent, we recall a pivotal chapter of this story…
God sending His Son to a people waiting and longing in hope.
One of the most intelligent things any of us can do is recognize the significance of this for our own lives.
And even more… see our own role in His story as His Spirit dwells within us.
Embrace your part in His story today!
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
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