Seeking God’s Plan? Start Here
If you’re looking for a breakthrough…
Seeking to create a plan…
Or just need to know what God wants you to do next…
Spend some time fasting.
Godly insight tends to emerge when we fast.
Consider Nehemiah (Neh. 1-2).
When he heard the wall of Jerusalem had fallen, he responded with fasting and prayer…
And the Spirit gave Him a plan!
Fasting is not a natural impulse–especially in our gluttonous age, and even more so around the holidays.
But fasting is spiritually rewarding.
It’s a discipline God’s people have practiced for millennia, and it has enduring value.
Fasting not only draws you closer to the Lord…
It also
sharpens your awareness of the spiritual realities at work in the world.
Through fasting, we die to our appetites that we might better live unto the Lord.
And this puts
us in a better position to rule our God-given domains with Him.
Find a place for fasting among the spiritual disciplines you already follow.
It might create just the
breakthrough you’re looking for.
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