Faithful men are explorers.
They are willing to leave the security of the known and venture into the unknown.
A willingness to explore is essential to following where God is leading you.
This is especially important in a negative and hostile world -- where the temptation is to play it safe and retreat.
Let's remember too... a spirit of exploration is practically a mark of God's
- Abraham left his homeland for an unknown destination.
- Moses and the
Israelites journeyed through the wilderness to the Promised Land.
- Joshua and the spies scouted the land God had promised.
- Ruth departed Moab for Israel, trusting in the God of her new family.
- David explored different roles on his path from shepherd to king.
- The disciples left their livelihoods to follow Jesus.
- Paul embarked on missionary journeys to share the Gospel.
Time and again, believers are willing to follow God’s leading into uncharted territory.
And the Bible concludes with the greatest exploration of all—the New Heaven and New Earth (Rev. 21-22)...
Inviting believers to anticipate and prepare for a new reality in God’s eternal kingdom.
As we reflect on God’s goodness and trustworthiness this season, ask yourself:
What new idea, venture, or opportunity is God putting on your heart?
Be willing to explore.
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