A return to creational norms
Many of our problems in recent years have come from rejecting God's creational norms.
And much good will come as we recover them.
Creational norms are the foundational aspects of God's design for the cosmos that establish how we are to function.
When we live within these norms, we experience blessing.
But rejecting them leads to confusion and ruin.
So what are these norms?
1. There's a distinction between the Creator and His creation.
We are not gods; He alone is God.
2. God made us in His image.
Knowing our true identity begins by
understanding we're made in His likeness.
3. God created us male and female.
There are only two immutable sexes, each
designed with unique functions and glory.
4. Marriage is central to fulfilling God's design.
It is one of God's ordinary
means of bringing about maximum human flourishing and development.
5. God intends us to multiply through children.
childlessness occurs, it deviates from His design for fruitfulness.
6. God has given us a mandate to subdue and develop the world.
We are called to accomplish this with Him, according to His Word, and cooperatively with one another.
7. Work is part of God's design, followed by rest.
Labor is not a curse--it is a God-given means of engaging creation for His glory,
Living in alignment with these creational norms leads to experiencing the blessings God intends for us.
Let us do whatever we can to recover and re-establish them in our day.
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