Overcoming Evil
Every day we learn of some new evil that's been done
How do you respond to such news?
Get depressed?
Become fearful?
Go numb?
Living in an evil age can be discouraging. Immobilizing. Even overwhelming at times.
But evil is nothing new.
And God's Word tells us how to respond to it when it says...
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom. 12:21).
The tendency of evil is to overcome you...
As it takes away your hope and leaves you feeling defeated.
Evil itself can be overcome...
When we commit ourselves to doing good.
Evil has within it the seeds of its own destruction.
And, scripture promises evildoers "will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb" (Ps. 37:2).
But we must not lose faith in how God can use the good we do with Him!
So don't let the presence of evil
demoralize you...
Nor allow the actions of evildoers make you afraid.
Keep trusting the Lord...
strategizing and delivering all the good you can bring with your life.
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