Recovering 'male and female'
Are you baffled by the way
transgenderism has become such a big issue?
And how it is being promoted by so many institutions in our culture?
I’m sure we could have a good conversation discussing all the factors that got us here.
But to me one thing stands out…
It goes back to the blurring of manhood and womanhood.
For decades we have been promoting the idea that there’s no significant difference between men and women.
The thinking has been…
What a man can do a woman can do… and vice versa.
As image-bearers of God, there is some truth to this.
But this mantra overlooks the reality that God created men and women with definite differences.
And He did so with purpose.
When we deny this, we reject God’s design.
And when we reject God’s design, it’s not long before anything goes–including transgenderism.
So part of the way out of our current confusion is clear…
It’s to recover the reality that God made males male and females female… and that this is a good design.
The more heartily we embrace this, the quicker we will regain our
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27).
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