Over the years
I've interacted with plenty of what you might call grumpy men.
By calling them grumpy, I do not mean angry, ill-tempered or mean...
Rather, I'm thinking more like irritable, impatient and withdrawn...
Who come off kind of cold, and maybe even a little smug and self-sufficient.
Guys like these don't give you
warm fuzzies.
And they can be hard to get close to.
But as I've persevered to get to know the grumpy men on my path, I've discovered something remarkable...
If you get past the grumpiness, you'll find some of the best men alive!
Throughout my life I've found those considered grumpy are among
the most generous, committed and loyal people you can know.
It's often the grumps in my life that are the most honest, forthright and dependable.
Which can make them really good friends!
None of this, of course, should be taken as a defense of grumpiness.
And I wish my grumpy friends were less
But I also would like to see more of us give the grumpy a chance.
And get to know their character...
Which gets at the heart of why grumpy men can be grumpy in the first place.
From my own experience...
Grumpy men are often among the most responsible men--which is a great biblical quality we need more of.
But sometimes the responsibility weighs heavy on them... in a Churchillian kind of way.
when you combine this with the follies they observe in our world...
Well, they can be tempted... and succumb... to being grumpy.
So don't write the grumps in your life off.
Give them grace.
Befriend them.
And pray for them.
Ask God to help them...
... Come to Him with their burdens and find rest (Mt. 11:28).
... Make the joy of the Lord their strength (Neh. 8:10).
... And shine as lights in the world as they use their gifts (Phil.2:15).
Grumpy men need prayer too.
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