Whatever we do
every day can seem like drudgery if we don't have perspective.
But we can replace that drudgery with meaning by remembering we are a part of a house for God's name.
Prior to King David's death, the Lord told him his son would "build a house for My name" (2 Sam. 7:13).
This was literally fulfilled when Solomon built the temple in the Old Testament.
But this only foreshadowed a greater temple to be built by God's Son, Jesus.
Jesus became the cornerstone of this house when he was rejected by men,
crucified, and raised from the dead (Matt. 41:22).
Through faith, we are living stones in this house (1 Pet.2:5).
And we are a part of what the Lord is building today as we keep up our confidence in Him (Heb.6:6).
So do not grow weary in doing well.
Your labor is not in vain.
Every faithful effort, loving gesture and commitment to seemingly small things will be used in a big and mysterious way by God as He builds a house for His name.
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