What an amazing
The headline reads...
Baby Boy Born Holding His Mother's Failed IUD
This child's environment conspired against him from the very beginning.
He wasn't supposed to exist!
Yet he came out clutching his greatest adversary by the throat like a trophy in victory.
Now that kid is a fighter!
And the account of his birth has me thinking--
We all must be fighters!
We are all born in the midst of a great cosmic battle...
Which makes us all an inescapable part of the fight.
God Himself started this war...
When He pitted the seed of the
woman against the seed of the serpent (Gen. 3:15)...
And it involves a constant conflict for what is true, good and beautiful.
The good news is...
God and His people win.
This has already been assured through Christ's death and resurrection.
But until the last day, we are forced to fight.
I know...
If you're weary from battle, you're tempted to go AWOL.
But take heart...
Jesus--who Himself is a warrior (Rev.19:11ff)--is always offering rest in Him (Mt. 11:28).
And, the Lord has provided the armor we need
for daily victory (Eph. 6:10-18).
Fight the good fight...
Finish the course...
Keep the faith.
Your life--and the impact you leave--depends on it.
Get Dominion,