There's an old
quote from Martin Luther that says...
“I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer."
I thought of this quote yesterday as I've had a lot going on lately and have been tempted to skip some regular prayer time.
But God is showing me...
The more I have to do the more I am
dependent on Him and must pray.
Prayer has a way of economizing your time.
Through prayer God seems to streamline what must get done...
And he does things behind the scenes you could never imagine.
I believe God even takes things off my "To Do" list as a result of praying.
If you want to make the most of the days God gives you...
And be as focused as possible on your dominion calling...
I encourage you not to forsake praying as a way of saving time.
Even a busy guy like Jesus... who lived in perfect communion with his Father... made it a priority to start His days early with prayer.
If you have too much to do, you cannot afford not to pray.
Prayer is the only way to accomplish your life's mission with
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