'Jesus is
It's been the most basic statement of faith for Christians throughout the church's history.
And it simply recognizes and expresses that Jesus is the Master or Boss.
Early Christians viewed this as a comprehensive claim.
That is, they saw Jesus as Lord over ALL.
As they lived this belief out, they sometimes found themselves in trouble with earthly rulers who didn't want their power threatened.
For example... Paul was charged with “defying the decrees of Caesar” and “advocating another king, Jesus” (Acts 17:1-9).
But these followers of Christ were correct in there understanding.
Jesus really is
Lord over everything.
Jesus Himself testified to this when He said "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth" (Mt.28:18).
And when believers live accordingly -- as though Jesus really is the ultimate ruler and standard of righteousness -- they transform the world.
Evil is overcome and renewal follows... when Jesus and His Word are exalted.
Today, "Jesus is Lord" is still a familiar statement.
Yet it's usually limited to mean He is Lord over the church or our personal lives. That's
And this explains why believers are not being the salt and light they could be in these times.
But if we want to see our world changed, we need to believe and act on the reality that He is the 'King of kings and Lord of lords' (Rev.19:16)...
And that 'Jesus is Lord' means His lordship knows no bounds.
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