I have a great,
big-hearted friend who likes to strengthen and encourage others by telling them to "Take the land!"
I love this.
It's what we need to hear.
The command "take the land" hearkens back to the days of Joshua, when he was to lead God's people in taking possession of the Promised Land...
Obeying this is what
faithfulness to the Lord required...
God's people were to take the land!
We don't think much about taking the land these days.
We wonder when Jesus is going to return.
And we hope it is soon so He can deliver us from our troubles.
But bringing the realities of His kingdom to bear on our land today is hardly on peoples' radar.
Yet taking the land is exactly what Jesus has in mind for us.
In fact, He commands
He just words it differently.
He calls it making disciples of all nations...
... which is done
not with a sword but by obeying Him, and teaching others to obey Him (Matt. 28:18-20).
So my friend...
The exhortation to take the land is for YOU!
And you can take it to heart and respond to it by:
1) Asking God how He wants you to obey Him today?
2) Applying His grace and truth to everything in your world.
Go take the land!
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt.
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