When people ask
me what I do I sometimes answer by saying:
"I help men figure out who they are and what they're to do with their lives."
This usually piques curiosity.
And when it does I respond further by saying something like...
Men are floundering today because they are unsure about their identity and purpose -- partly
because of their own internal junk and partly because of cultural pressures.
This has created serious problems...
Not just for men themselves... but every relationship, organization or activity they are a part of.
And we're all suffering because of this...
... in marriages, families, churches, work
places, communities and culture as a whole.
But there is good news...
You see, there is some 3400 year old instruction that addresses this problem directly.
It's found in the first chapter of the Bible where God tells us...
He made us in His image and commands us to get dominion of all of creation
With these words God gives us our IDENTITY and PURPOSE.
He answers the question about who we are and what we're supposed to do...
... by revealing we are made in His likeness to rule and cultivate the world on His behalf.
At this point... if the conversation continues... it may go in
many different directions...
Perhaps about how Jesus is the one who restores our identity and purpose...
Or how one may personally apply this.
And if the rapport is good...
I will sum it up by saying -- with a hat tip to the Blues Brothers -- I help men discover they're on a mission from God.
There you go...
Now you have a better idea of what I do.
And the need is so enormous I'm working with a bunch
of great guys to develop Made for Dominion Ministries...
... so we can help as many men as possible know who they are and what they're to do.
Get Dominion,