Have you noticed how the devil and his minions put so much effort into destroying things like personal holiness, standards of right and wrong, marriage, the family, etc.?
Why is this?
It's because here God does the most to bring about His kingdom.
In other words...
The way God's kingdom advances is not through top down political power or military force, but by way of His people faithfully living out the principles of His kingdom in everyday life.
This is what Jesus was getting at when He told Pilate "My kingdom is not of this realm" (Jn.18:36).
In saying this Jesus didn't mean His kingdom doesn't have anything to do with the world... but that its source and power are different.
And instead of arising out of some conquering political entity, it comes through humble submission to Him and His Word.
So with this understanding, you can be assured...
Consistently following Christ in your ordinary life has more impact than you might imagine.
The meek shall inherit the earth (Mt.5:5).
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